About the Issues

Public safety is always the top priority. We need to create a culture within Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office (LSO) that is positive and supportive. Our officers have a challenging job. They need the proper training and resources to be successful in keeping themselves and the people they serve safe.
Many departments and agencies use what is commonly referred to as community policing. Community policing relies on collaborative partnerships between the law enforcement agency and the individuals and organizations they serve to develop solutions to problems and increase trust in police.
Being a board member of The Lighthouse after-school program for the past 7 years, I am active in the community and have a chance to interact with the youth of our community in a neutral environment so they can get to know the person that I am. Citizens should be able to get to know the people tasked with keeping them safe.
The Sheriff’s office is significantly understaffed. This must be addressed as it directly affects public safety. One way I propose to fix this is by changing grooming standards. Currently, the sheriff does not allow facial hair or tattoos that are visible. A significant source for law enforcement to gain recruits is the men and women who serve our country in the military. If you can serve your country and have tattoos, why shouldn’t we allow them to serve the great people of Lancaster County?
A Modern Sheriff
Terry Wagner has been sheriff since 1994 and has run unopposed since his very first election. His efforts to militarize the Sheriff’s Office have been disastrous for Lancaster County law enforcement and his unwillingness to update hiring standards has left the LSO anemic and understaffed. I am running for Sheriff of Lancaster County to build trust between the police and the community they serve. This means implementing modern police practices like community policing and keeping training standards for deputies on the cutting edge of law enforcement. I do not view this as a political position but simply as a position meant to ensure that the citizens of Lancaster County are served by a modern Sheriff's Office committed to community policing and modern deputy training and hiring standards.